The Drying Technology

Application Model of the Drying Process

The Application Model of the Drying Process (AMDP)Drying analysis is a physical model of the drying process enumerating (estimating) the current humidity of the dried substance based on the measurement data of physical parameters of the drying agent (eg air) obtained at the inlet and outlet of the drying chamber. The current configuration – The Model is designed for the drying systems based on tight drying chambers (eg Glatt type) where the process runs dynamically in the flow of the drying agent. The measured physical quantities necessary for the proper operation of the model are the temperature and humidity of the drying agent and the size of its flow.

The operation of the model is based on the analysis of the change in the content of the agent removed from the dried substance in the stream of the drying agent.

The Advantages of the Model:

– great versatility allowing it to adapt to different ways of carrying out the drying process

– the ability to work with dynamic drying systems where the flow rate of the drying agent reaches several thousand cubic meters per hour thanks to the correction mechanism of systematic measurement errors of humidity sensors resulting from their measurement inertia

– the possibility of extending its current control functionality to monitor and control

The model has been successfully implemented to operate in TEVA Kutno S.A. and cooperates there with the Glatt granulomats, supervising the drying process of pharmaceutical granulates.

In order to achieve the best effect of controlling of the drying process, we also offer an audit to determine the optimal set of sensors and their placement and align them with the Model.

Model suszenia

15% threshold in the RES Act

The calculations carried out by the DCAD research team (expert opinion) at the request of PWEA contributed to the introduction of a 15% safety margin in the amount of the declared generation size on energy shares introduced as a new support mechanism in the new Act on Renewable Energy in Poland. This provision results in the lack of calculation of penalties for green energy producers who will produce no less than 85% of what they declared at the auction.